Sunday, 29 April 2012

Term Two 2012 - Up and running!

Yes it's Term Two already and what a term we have to look forward to.  It's fabulous to be back and the students have turned up to school ready for action after a well deserved break!

One of the highlights of this term will be our School Cross Country coming up in a few weeks.  I have been really impressed with the students of Pouakai Syndicate and their dedication and commitment to their cross country training.  We are blessed to have the infamous Mr Rickard 'lead the way' implementing a mighty training regime and offering words of advice and expertise.

I managed to capture some of our students training hard.  Well done you lot! 

Monday, 2 April 2012

Good Old Board Games

Remember the good old days when families sat around and played board games and cards?  I certainly do.  We never had a TV when I was a kid so we played board games and cards all the time.  I know (from what the kids have told me) that some of you still do.  Fantastic!  Board games promote a whole lot of things.  strategic thinking, co-operation, competition, logical thinking, honesty, mathematical skills, literacy skills and plenty of other things.

As part of a class reward: Everyone has posted on their individual blogs Wooooohoooooo! We played board games this afternoon.  As a teacher it is wonderful to see your class engaged and 'playing' respectfully and genuinely having fun.  Well done Room 13, I am proud of you :)
Ms Tito

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