Sunday, 29 July 2012

Budding Animators

Last week Room 15 of the Mighty Pouakai Syndicate were preparing for another TIS assembly.  Being the innovative and creative class that they are, they chose to celebrate Kotahitanga by asking each class in the school to recite a line in a Dr Seuss story "Oh, the Places You'll Go!" 

Room 13 was given the line "Waiting for the fish to bite."  It was decided that we do something different (because we like to stand out in a crowd).  Ruby, Renee, Arielle and Be took charge!  They decided to create an animation.  Once that was created we thought we'd sing our line instead of reciting it.  Thanks Lasi for providing us the background track, so here's the snippet of the animation.  The 'created by' bit was added on to acknowledge the girls hard and creative work.  Well done girls and Rm 13 choir :)  Hopefully I can share the link to the full school effort soon.


  1. Hello Ms Tito and Room 13

    Thank you for leaving a wonderful comment on our class blog Ms Tito. We miss you heaps! I was so excited to hear that your class is planning on entering some movie competitions. Excellent! Room 13 you are so lucky to have an awesome, creative and very cool teacher. Good luck with the movie making and have fun.

    Mrs Lagitupu
    Pt England School

  2. Hey Be,Renee,Ruby and Arielle

    I really liked your Animation. I thought it was very funny. Maybe next time you could make it a bit longer.

    From Josy(Ruby's little sister)


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