Tuesday, 25 September 2012

Lachie's team entry!

Here is Lachie's post about their movie.  He has also included a reflection about his learning journey.

I've made this movie along with 3 other students in my class. We have entered this movie into channel 7s competition called the 'outlook for some day' which is getting students to make short films about sustainability.  My group and I made our short film on mind pollution, which is basically what electronics and other modern things are doing to our brains.  We came across this idea when we were discussing possible ideas for our film with Ms Tito.  Here is our film by:  Lachie, Reilly, Jackson and Jorge enjoy!


Something that I learned from this project that I did not know before was how to edit using iMovie and how to digitally insert public domain pictures into a green screen background. I also learnt a great deal about what sustainability means.  I've also learnt how to put legal pictures into a film and that you have to acknowledge where they came from.  During the making of the film I learnt to be more organised especially with the script.`

The part of this project that was most challenging for me was writing the script in time for the deadline, keeping some of the other kids settled while filming.  Managing my time and staying on subject and not going random when I write the script.  Keeping a straight face while acting and using editing equipment and other electronic equipment.

The part of this project I found most rewarding was finding out more about my friends and having lots of fun.

If I had to do another Outlook for Someday movie, the things I would do differently are:  be more organised with my script and possibly choosing different people to work with.  Try not to get as much help from the teacher.

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