Monday, 17 December 2012

Farewell Awesome 2012!

Yes it's that time of the year where we say 'Farewell'.  Most of the students have posted their final post for the year stating their highlights and lowlights.  Have a read, I had a chuckle to myself at what some of the students had to say about their year.

My highlights have been numerous.  Firstly it would have to be the amazing kids in my class.  I really had fun teaching/facilitating/guiding and learning myself this year.

Another highlight was definitely camp.  I'll be honest in saying I was a bit skeptical about going on camp at Mt Holdsworth.  Only because I am from the North and our idea of camp is usually camping at a Northland beach packing items such as togs, towels and sunblock.  I was pleasantly surprised of how much fun we had (even in the cold).  The rafting was the absolute highlight of the week long camp.

I also enjoyed watching kids grow and flourish - sounds cliche I know but it REALLY is the most rewarding part of teaching.  The random selection box worked a treat - ask any student about our random selection box and they will tell you the various occasions in when the box came in handy.  They hated the box at the beginning because I would select students randomly to share their writing, thoughts, ideas and opinions.  Towards the end of the year students were often volunteering to share before names were selected.  It was GREAT!

We wish all our Year 8 students all the best at College next year and to our Year 7 students, another fantastic year at Tawa Intermediate.  I will miss you all but will be following your blogs to follow your learning journeys.

Arohanui - Ms T x

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